Slingshot’s Accelerate Impact Fund allows you to magnify the impact of your philanthropy. 100% of the funds are invested directly to amplify effective poverty-fighting programs and services, as all of Slingshot’s operating costs are covered by the generous support of our Principal Investors. Slingshot invests in poverty-fighting organizations based on their effectiveness at improving the quality of life for those experiencing poverty. We rigorously study organizations, and invest significantly more in organizations that have evidence of being effective.
Slingshot strives to invest each dollar in the most expeditious and impactful way possible. We do not have an endowment, but rather annually raise and invest the money contributed to our Accelerate Impact Fund to accelerate its impact on alleviating poverty. Just as financial investments grow faster due to compounding interest, earlier investments in poverty alleviation can reduce suffering faster.
Slingshot’s investment methodology consists of three transparent criteria:
1. Current Effectiveness
2. Trajectory
3. Initial Fixed Amount
1. Current Effectiveness
An investment amount tied to the impact results from the most recent impact study. Investment amounts increase exponentially with higher impact results. | Invest when evidence exists for improving poverty-fighting effectiveness. |
2. Trajectory
An investment amount tied to the change in impact results since the previous impact study. Investment amounts increase with improvement and reduce with regression. | Provide incentive for organizations to continually improve their poverty-fighting effectiveness |
3. Initial Fixed Amount
A guaranteed amount the first year an impact study is completed. | Acknowledge the time required to conduct a baseline impact study. |

Participate in the growing movement to accelerate poverty-fighting benefits