b'View moreEXAMPLES OF SLINGSHOTS IMPACTexamples of Slingshots impactTransformed programming intoUsed data to enhance program pathways to postsecondary education consistency and outcomesProvides free after-school rugby programmingProvides wraparound support for people who to male and female students in 3rd to 12thhave been formerly incarcerated by connecting grades in underserved neighborhoods. Servicesthem with a mentor who helps them transition include college preparation, support obtainingto stable jobs. Support for participants extends Organizationscholarships and financial aid, and alumniOrganizationbeyond traditional employment services, overview wraparound support. overview including life-coaching and spiritual guidance.Benefit-cost analysis identified that minimalIdentified opportunities to enhance data quality poverty-fighting benefits are created directlypractices to help ensure programming and from rugby programming. Rather, the mostsupport are more consistent across all participants. significant benefits student athletes experiencedThe details for each opportunity were articulated Slingshotswere associated with support enrolling, attending,Slingshotsto help prioritize them and approaches were contribution and persisting through postsecondary education. contribution developed for how each could be implemented.Developed new pathways with additional collegeAllocated resources to transition a part-time rugby programs to provide more opportunities fordata role into a full-time position. The new student athletes to attend college and earn athleticData and Technology Specialist role enhances Organizationsscholarships. Doubled down on programmingOrganizationsthe monitoring of program performance and actions that created greater access to financial aid andactions identifies opportunities to improve consistency.enhanced its wraparound support for alumni.By focusing on the most impactful parts of itsDemonstrated measurable improvements in its programming, MICR was able to increase itsability to consistently implement its Shepherd benefit-cost ratio by over 70% between 2019 andmodel programming between 2021 and 2022. 2023. This included doubling the benefits from itsMore consistent program delivery enhances the financial aid support and increasing the benefitslikelihood that all 150+ participants experience Impact from its alumni support by a multiple of six. Impact the intended outcomes.2023 Annual Report| 23'