b'2023 Accelerate Impact Fund Investments2023ACCELERATEIMPACTFUNDThe tables below outline the 2023 Accelerate Impact Fund disbursements. Two factors contribute to the amount invested: the performance-based investment and the fixed investment. While the performance- View Slingshots based investment is tied to an organizations impact results and trajectory, the fixed investment is ainvestment guaranteed amount for initially participating in the impact study. All disbursements are unrestricted,methodologywhich is incredibly valuable to nonprofits because they can deploy the funds to the most pressing needs.Organizations not receiving a fixed investment* Organizations receiving a $10,000 fixed investment*Organization Investment Organization InvestmentNurse-Family Partnership $ 15,891 Knowledge Quest $ 29,074Center for Employment Opportunities $ 15,891 LifeDoc Health $ 25,891City Year Memphis $ 15,097 ALLMemphis $ 24,302Porter-Leath $ 15,097 YWCA $ 24,302Hope House $ 12,713 Memphis Teacher Residency $ 21,919JIFF $ 12,713 New Hope Christian Academy $ 20,329The Collective Blueprint $ 12,713 HopeWorks $ 19,535Agape Child & Family Services $ 11,919 MyCityRides $ 19,535Memphis Inner City Rugby $ 11,124 Collegiate School of Memphis $ 18,740Purdue Center of Hope $ 11,124 Community Legal Center $ 18,740Just City $ 9,535 Economic Opportunities $ 18,740Tech901 $ 9,535 Refugee Empowerment Program $ 16,357Communities In Schools Memphis $ 7,946 Catholic Charities $ 15,562The Excel Center $ 7,946 Room in the Inn $ 15,562Moore Tech $ 7,946 A Way Out Ministries $ 15,165The Soulsville Charter School $ 7,946 Believe Memphis Academy $ 14,767Advance Memphis $ 5,562 Girls, Inc. $ 14,767MIFA $ 5,562 Man Up Teacher Fellowship $ 14,767Su Casa Family Ministries $ 5,562 LITE Memphis $ 13,973Alpha Omega Veterans Services $ 4,767 STS Enterprises $ 13,973LIFEline $ 4,767 Literacy Mid-South $ 13,178Neighborhood Christian Centers $ 4,767 Multinational Memphis $ 13,178Memphis Athletic Ministries $ 4,370 Service Over Self $ 13,178RISE Memphis $ 12,384* The funds disbursed are a general proxy for poverty fighting effectivness, butAngelStreet Memphis $ 11,589comparisons across tables can only be done by removing the $10,000 fixed investment for those who received it 2023 Annual Report| 29'