b'New 2023 Principal Investors NEWPRINCIPALINVESTORSWE DID WANT TOWe welcomed seven new Principal Investors in 2023. ACKNOWLEDGEThese new investors represent several influential THIS IMPORTANTbusinesses and philanthropic foundations in Memphis. WORK (MEMWORKS) AND SLINGSHOTS LEADERSHIP IN THIS SPACE. WE LOOK FORWARD TO THE FINAL OUTCOMES AND RECOMMENDATIONS YOU DEVELOP. THANKSSignificant investment FOR THE GREAT WORKfrom Tommie & Billy YOU AND YOUR TEAMDunavantARE DOING TO FIGHTSlingshot expresses our POVERTY IN MEMPHISgratitude for Tommie and IN UNIQUE ANDthe late William Billy IMPACTFUL WAYS. Dunavant, Jr. who made a transformational $520,000 HydeFamilyFoundation principal investment in 2023. This is the continuation of their longstanding support and commitment to Slingshot and the mission to revolutionize poverty-fighting effectiveness.LIKE SLINGSHOT MEMPHIS, RAYMOND JAMESLISA&JODYBROWNPrior to Billys passing, he IS COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OFshared: Slingshot has PEOPLES LIVES IN THE COMMUNITIES WHERE WE LIVEsucceeded with both its AND WORK. SLINGSHOT IS MAKING A MEANINGFULpeople and its projects. Its IMPACT IN MEMPHIS WITH THEIR STRATEGIC, DATA- now continuing to evolve and DRIVEN APPROACH TO FIGHTING POVERTY, ANDhas to continue to evolve in RAYMOND JAMES IS VERY PROUD TO SUPPORT THEIRorder to survive. It is makingINNOVATIVE EFFORTS. RaymondJames a difference in our city! 2023 Annual Report| 7'