b'WORKFORCEDEVELOPMENTMemWorks is a collaboration between Slingshot and MDRC, a premier national institution with 50 years of experience conducting rigorous studies of social programs and policies. This unprecedented partnership utilizes a place-based approach that combines deep domain expertise with a strong understanding of the Memphis context. Rather than starting with solutions, MemWorks first diagnosed the root causes that impede employment pathways. The three phases of MemWorks are outlined below.Phases of MemWorksPRIMARY AND DATA ANALYSIS SECONDARY RESEARCH ACTION PLANSObjectively identifyUnderstand livedCollaborate with the primaryexperience andworkforce stakeholders roadblocks impedingresearch-basedto implement solutions acess to living-wageinterventions toto the most impactful employment develop solutions opportunitiesView MemWorks.org2023 Annual Report| 35'