b'SUPPORTINGFUNDERSThomas W. Briggs FoundationFunders value SlingshotsDonnaNash,Executive Director insights and reports THE MANNER IN WHICH SLINGSHOT PRESENTS ORGANIZATIONAL DATA PROVIDES POTENTIAL FUNDERS AN EASY TO UNDERSTAND EVALUATION WHICH SPRINGBOARDS INTERACTIONS WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND INFLUENCES Slingshot believes that revolutionizingFUNDING DECISIONS. PRIOR TO EACH GRANT ROUND, I CONSULT AN ORGANIZATIONS poverty-fighting effectivenessIMPACT STUDY WITH SLINGSHOT. WE ARE HONORED TO USE THESE RESOURCES. requires our community to be as rigorous with our philanthropic investments as we are with our financial investments. We use the term philanthropic investmentThe Poplar Foundation to emphasize the need for ourBenKaufman,Director of Measurement and Learningphilanthropy to create significant poverty-fighting benefits. We needI AM GRATEFUL TO SLINGSHOT FOR THEIR WORK WITH NOT ONLY to move beyond philanthropy beingORGANIZATIONS THAT PROVIDE POVERTY-FIGHTING SERVICES, BUT ALSO based only on good intentions toPHILANTHROPIC ORGANIZATIONS AS WELL. I HAVE ENJOYED WORKING WITH demanding that our philanthropyTHEM TO REALLY DIVE INTO THE INPUTS OF THEIR BENEFIT-COST ALGORITHM AND DISCUSS contributes to the most effectiveTHE DETAILS OF A NONPROFITS ROI AS IT RELATES TO POVERTY REDUCTION. THE VALUE OF solutions to fight poverty. THE INSIGHTS AND THEIR WILLINGNESS TO ENGAGE IN A DIALOGUE IS WONDERFUL.We are excited to share that several local funding organizations find Slingshots insights valuable. The Urban Child Institute KatherineBryan, Senior Program OfficerDURING OUR GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS, WE SHARE SLINGSHOTS IMPACT STUDY REPORTS WITH OUR BOARD INTERVIEW COMMITTEES. THESE REPORTS HELP OUR INTERVIEW COMMITTEES LEARN ABOUT AN ORGANIZATIONS IMPACT AND PREPARE FOR THE INTERVIEWS. THEY HAVE BEEN REALLY HELPFUL!26 |Impact Objective #2'