b'Nonprofits are using Slingshots insights in their fundraising NONPROFITSFUNDRAISINGWe encourage the poverty-fighting organizations we work alongside to use the reports and insights from their impact studies in fundraising efforts. This helps organizations share the impact of their work, as well as validated opportunities for greater impact, so funders better understand the impact of their philanthropic investments in these organizations. Were thrilled to see many nonprofits we work with incorporate these findings into their fundraising efforts.Memphis Inner City Rugby highlightsitsworkwith Su Casa Family Ministries used Memphis Athletic Ministries Slingshotandincludestheresultsofitsimpactstudy theintendedoutcomesfromits emphasizeditsrolefightingontheOurImpactsectionofitswebsite. impactstudyreporttoframe povertybyusinginsightsthegoalsforitsAdultEnglish fromitsimpactstudyinClassesinitsannualreport. fundraisingmaterials.ROADBLOCKS IMPACT STUDY Year 2: In Memphis, public transit alone will not be able to bridge our transportation gaps, making private transportation solutions essential to creating equitable access to living-wage jobs. Below is an Impact Tree illustrating the many ways independent transportation can impact an individual. These possibilities led Slingshot to partner with MyCityRides for the past two years to conduct an in-depth Impact Study to assessing the poverty-fighting value of our .program. Scan the QR code below for a full report on their assessment to dateGREATER COST OFGEOGRAPHIC TRANSIT SPRAWLMemphis ranks nearly3 out of every 4 jobs in MemphiscannotTransportation is expensiveMemphis has a geographic last (41 of 42) amongbe reached within a 3-hour round trip using public transitwith the national averagefootprint equal to New York large urban areas foroptions. This challenge is exacerbated for Memphianscost about 17% of income.City with only 1/12 of the only 2 percent ofexperiencing poverty (3% of the total population e is especially expensive1% of Memphis only transit use per capita, withIn Memphis, transportationpopulation. In fact, e xperiencing poverty. Only about 4,000 Memphians xperiencing Memphianstakingpoverty), live near a bus service that runs at least every 15averaging aneighborhoods artransit to work. minutes. As a result, only 2 percent of Memphians take publicwhopping 29% considered location e transit to work. of income . Fewerefficient,meaning they public transit options andare compact, close to jobs and PERCENT OF JOBS IN MEMPHIS ACCESSIBLE BY PUBLIC TRANSIT lower wages are big factorsservices, and offer a variety of Round-trip travel times in this high cost. transportation options. The lack Stretching those dollars isof population density makes it critical and introducing anchallenging and cost-prohibitive effective low cost solutionfor public transit to provide the puts more money back intocoverage and frequency needed tight budgets in Memphis. to solve the transportation gapby itself.Research provided by: Scan to view the full report by Slingshot Memphis.14 Impact Report 2023 15MyCityRides|25Communities in SchoolsMyCityRidesincorporatedinsightsfromitsimpact Hope House highlightsitsimpactstudyresultsMemphis sharedthe studyandMemWorksinitsannualreport andprovidesadirectlinktoitsimpactstudyresultsofitsimpactstudy reportonthehomepageofitswebsite.inaLinkedIncampaign2023 Annual Report| 27'