b'SLINGSHOTS REACH Email communicationsSlingshots email engagement significantly Growth in LinkedIn Followers exceeds benchmark engagement rates. General Social media Slingshot emails have open rates nearly 1.6x greater than benchmarks while MemWorks Slingshot now has over 1,000157% emails have open rates and click rates over 1.7x followers on each of our three1,527 and 3.4x greater than benchmarks, respectively.social media platforms, with total followership growing more than 40% over the past2023 average email two years. LinkedIn is ouropen ratesprimary social media platform, and has grown over 150% since55%the end of 2021. 595 35%End of 2021 End of 2023 Slingshot Memphis BenchmarkTotal number of social media followers as of the end of 2023 Top social media posts of 2023 2023 average email 1,527 open rates1,092 1,165 74%43%Memworks Benchmark2023 average click rates17%Benchmarks5%provided by 32 |Impact Objective #3 Mailchimp Memworks Benchmark'