b'THE POVERTY-FIGHTING REVOLUTIONMISSION VISIONCatalyzeamovement ForallMemphians,thatrevolutionizes regardlessofsocialorpoverty-fighting economiccircumstances,effectiveness tohaveequitableopportunitiestothriveW e cannot solve what we do not understand. Unlikean extensive library of poverty-fighting insights, research, best business, medicine, sports, and other sectors thatpractices, and analytics that can help our community make the have objective processes for measuring outcomes,most effective decisions to reduce poverty and help people thrive.the poverty-fighting ecosystem simply hasnt. This has made it nearly impossible to know which programs andAs we identify, improve, and support the most effective poverty-services are most effective at reducing poverty. fighting efforts, we honor those experiencing poverty by ensuring they receive the interventions that give them the greatest As a poverty-fighting center of influence, Slingshot Memphisopportunities to thrive. By incorporating a similar level of analytical is catalyzing a movement to revolutionize poverty-fightingrigor and evidence-based practices that have been embraced by effectiveness by making it more analytical and evidence based. Weother sectors, we will see the same transformational improvements have developed a standardized methodology to measure poverty- in poverty-fighting effectiveness that we have seen in businessfighting effectiveness that we call an Impact Study. We have builtand medicine.2 |Introduction'